Biomedical Industry Fellowship Opportunity

Celdara Medical seeks outstanding scientists with interest in translational research and biotechnology for a paid Fellowship. Prior Fellows have jump-started careers in Venture Capital, Management Consulting, Technology Transfer, R&D, Medical Writing, and Business Development.

An introductory virtual hour to answer questions about the program will be held on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 12:00pm ET.
Click here to register.​

Program Description:

  • 1 -year experiential learning to gain real-world experience in biotechnology​
  • Develop executive skills including competitive analysis, analytical marketing, regulatory affairs, intellectual property and aspects of legal and finance
  • Select applicants, through expressed interest, will specifically study Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and be trained to critically examine novel AD innovations
  • $15/hour – remote optional

Position Responsibilities:

  • Conduct due diligence in cutting-edge therapeutic areas
  • Assist with special projects, analyses, presentations, and/or reports
  • Perform competitive analyses, regulatory considerations, intellectual property
  • Commitment: 8-10 hours per week for up to 12 months beginning Oct. 3, 2022

Eligibility Criteria:​

  • Senior graduate student (at least 3 years into terminal degree), including PhDs, MDs and dual degrees (e.g., MD/PhD, MD/MBA) and post-doctoral researchers
  • Effective verbal/written communicator; self-motivated, team player
  • Eligibility to work in the U.S.; must be able to be paid by Celdara Medical


  • CV from applicant 
  • Cover letter (1 page max) including research interests, experience and career goals
  • Letter of support from PI or Department Chair
  • Work Authorization

Due September 2nd 

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