Lodestone Biomedical (Hanover, NH) enables immediate detection of treatment response in immuno-oncology. The company measures immune modulators in the tumor microenvironment with a needle implantable biosensor and external magnetic reader for in vivo, real-time monitoring. The biosensor contains functionalized magnetic nanoparticles that react with molecular targets providing sensitive and specific readouts of cytokines, chemokines, or tumor secreted factors of interest. Lodestone is currently supported by a Phase I SBIR contract with the National Cancer Institute with aims of validating several biosensor assays and demonstrating preclinical feasibility for monitoring treatment response in a glioblastoma model through a subcontract with Professor Arti Gaur at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. As an academic spin-out founded by Solomon Diamond, Lodestone CEO and Associate Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth, Lodestone has faced knowledge gaps on defining its path to market. Working with DRIVEN, the Lodestone team has learned how to define and operationalize its business development plans based on best practices from industry. Engaging with DRIVEN has set Lodestone onto an exciting new trajectory where the technology and business developments are now coordinated and synergistic.