
Celdara Announces DRIVEN Fund Awardees

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Celdara Medical, LLC today announced the awarding of six DRIVEN Accelerator Hub grants to outstanding researchers and innovators in the Northeast region. In this most recent round of funding, two Acceleration Awards (up to $50,000 per early-stage company) were awarded to Olfax Medical (Vermont) and ResusciTech (Rhode Island) and 4 Ignition Awards (up to $25,000 per faculty innovator) were awarded to Andre Khalil, PhD (University of Maine), Gian Ignacio, MD Candidate (Brown), Michael Cole, PhD (Dartmouth), and Yina Huang, PhD (Dartmouth).

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Celdara Medical Names Entrepreneur Fellows

Fellowship Announcement 2021 Final

Celdara Medical, LLC today announced the selection of five outstanding researchers as the recipients of the 2021 Celdara Medical High-Potential Entrepreneurs’ Fellowships (CHEF). The program provides a part-time, year-long experiential learning opportunity at Celdara to senior graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. Fellows receive an opportunity to hone their executive skills […]

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The Fanger Center, an Innovative Collaboration with Celdara Medical and the New Hampshire Academy of Science, Opens at Crossroads Academy

Supported by Celdara Medical and named after its co-founder, the new building and STEM lab is designed for authentic, experiential learning and serves as an exemplary partnership for the future of STEM education LEBANON, N.H. – August 26, 2021 — Celdara Medical, LLC (Celdara), The New Hampshire Academy of Science […]

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